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Friday, 17 February 2012

What is Purpose of Oracle Data Files?

What is DataFile?
Data Files like the name says are Data Files. They have actual data that has been inserted into tables in the database.

What is the Size of DataFile?
Size of datafile depend on the size of data stored in the tables.

What is Tablespace?
Datafiles are the physical structure behind another database storage known as tablespace. A tablespace is a logical storage area within the database.

Name of Few Tablespace and description
1. System (Home of Data dictionary and PL/SQL code,functions)
2. SYSAUX (Store Segments such as AWR Automatic Workload Repository, OLAP)
3. TEMP (This table space is use to perform large data operations, This is an Optional Tablespace)

How Can I see my Tablespace?
You can use the query
SQL> Select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;
SQL> Select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files

Show me the tablespace in Enterprise Manager

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